Theme: Amor et Amicitia
July 8 - 14, 2025
The Conventiculum Bostoniense is a one week immersive spoken Latin program run by the faculty of @UMassBoston. This year's program will be held in person on the UMass Boston campus. Whether you're totally new to speaking Latin (but can already read Latin), or whether you're already an expert Latin speaker, Conventiculum Bostoniense is a supportive and welcoming space to develop your oral Latin skills, explore innovative and research-based ancient language pedagogy, and build community!
The program includes an optional online course on second language acquisition (SLA) research and Latin pedagogy which will run June 9 - June 30. The optional SLA course is fully online and asynchronous (meaning there are no scheduled class meetings).
NEW for 2025: Dorm rooms will be available on-campus!
Program Offerings
PDP's are available! Courses can be taken as an auditor or for-credit (3 graduate credits).
Latin 670 - Pedagogy Track: A track for spoken Latin communication and communicative pedagogies. This track is specifically designed for first-time participants, students, those who can read Latin but are new to speaking Latin or still in the early stages of developing oral proficiency, as well as anyone interested in language pedagogy. This track includes a 3 week online course in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theory from June 9 - June 30. The online course is optional for auditors, but required for students who want to earn official credit for Latin 670.
Latin 675 - Literature Track: This track is focused on reading Latin literature in Latin, using spoken Latin in reading groups. It is especially aimed at repeat participants, those who have some previous experience with spoken Latin, or those who are not interested in the pedagogical theory of the Pedegogy Track. Program sessions are centered around extensive reading of Latin literature related to the year's theme. The theme for Conventiculum Bostoniense 2024 will be Ars et Natura.
For whom?
All teachers, speakers, and lovers of the Latin language, from undergrads to professors, are encouraged to attend. Successful completion of this program only needs an open mind and a positive attitude. As for the instructors, we have invited a wide variety of veteran Latin speakers and teachers, who have been speaking and teaching Latin for decades, to work with our tirones and veterani alike. The opportunities for one-on-one interaction and small group sessions are vast and varied at this intimate immersion experience.
This year the Conventiculum Bostoniense will be on UMass Boston's campus in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston. The campus is 20 minutes south of Downtown Boston, with views of Boston Harbor and the Harbor Islands. It can be reached by car from I-93, and for those arriving by public transit a free shuttle bus connects the campus to the JFK/UMass MBTA stop (red line and commuter rail)
A limited number of on-campus dorm rooms will be available for those attending from further away.
Latin 670 or 675 for-credit:
Massachusetts Residents: $2,481
New England Residents: $4,341
Out-of-state not New England: $4,842
Non-credit auditors (who enroll in Langinst006): $895
Tuition includes all required course materials, but it does not include meals (except on Saturdays and Sundays when on-campus dining halls are closed).
On-campus Housing:
Optional housing in UMass Boston dorm rooms is available for an additional $450 for the week of July 8-14. Housing will be in single dorm rooms with private bathrooms, linens included. Participants should register by May 23 to guarantee housing. After May 23, housing may still be requested pending availability.